Meal Plan
Meal Plan
Stillman College provides a variety of meal plans designed to meet your dining needs while on campus whether you are an on-campus residential student or commuter. A meal plan is a pre-paid account loaded to your ID card for your on-campus meals at Magnolia Cafe. As an added advantage, all meal plans offer Tiger Flex Dollars. Tiger Flex Dollars may be used towards food and beverage purchases during late night.
Meal plan requirements vary depending on student classification and residential status. For more information on the meal plan program, please review the 2024-2025 academic year meal plan information below and visit our FAQ page.
All students living in campus housing, including Magnolia Apartments are required to be on a residential meal plan. Students living in traditional campus housing will automatically be assigned the Golden Plate 19 meal plan. Magnolia Apartment students will be assigned the Tiger Esssentials 10. Meal plans will be assigned to students upon receipt of their room reservation fee.
Golden Plate 19: 19 meals per week at Magnolia Cafe + $100 Tiger Flex Dollars $2,458 per semester
Tiger Essentials 10: 10 meals per week at Magnolia Cafe + $100 Tiger Flex Dollars $2,011 per semester
Meal swipes re-set every Monday at 7am.
The meal plans below have been created for non-residential students to help take advantage of the convenience of campus dining at a cost savings! If you are interested in adding a meal plan to your account, email, or visit the Housing Office at Room 129 in the Hay Center anytime during the semester.
Tiger Block 50: Enjoy 50 meals at Magnolia Cafe $425
Tiger Flex 250: $250 Tiger Flex dollars $250
Meals on the Block 50 meal plan carry over from the fall to spring and expire at the end of the spring semester. Unused funds from the Tiger Flex 250 meal plan carry over from the fall to spring semester and expire at the end of the spring semester.
Faculty / Staff
Faculty and staff can enjoy the benefits of dining on campus, too! You may purchase a faculty and staff meal plan with a cashier in Magnolia Cafe. Block plans may be used at Magnolia Cafe for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Faculty and staff meal plans carry over from fall to spring semester. Unused balances expire at the end of the academic year.
The Magnolia 10 Block: Enjoy 10 meals at Magnolia Cafe $50
The Magnolia 20 Block: Enjoy 22 meals at Magnolia Cafe - this plan comes with 2 free meals! $100